Category: randomness

  • tracks

    a photo series by photographer will amlot called “tracks” that i found and lost and just found again – from a magazine called “the space between” that a friend put out a few years back. a quote by the photographer from the article: “a track is a place where people have put their mark on […]

  • feet

    london, helsinki, turku. 2004 – 2010

  • walking north in kyoto

    i bought a book in nyc in ’98 or ’99, a book on the works of japanese architect shin takamatsu. i’d never heard of the architect before so i’m not sure why i bought the book, but buy it i did. looking through it later i became captivated by a building called ‘Origin I’. the […]

  • shadows

  • post it

    attaching it made sense at the time.