Category: uncategorised

  • wolf parade

    i never mentioned last week, but the wolf parade gig in liberté back on the 13th was goddam amazing. my poor ears afterwards. they are still recovering. gig was great – a tiny venue that was full and astonished by such an energetic and loud gig.

  • syksy 05

    here is what i am studying this school period. from tomorrow until mid-december. visualisointi ll (visualisation 2) elävän mallin piirrustus (live model painting (!)) elokuvan viestintä (film communication (i think)) vektorianimaatio (vector animation) multimedian suunnittelu ll (multimedia design 2) elokuvan kuvaus ja editointi (film filming and editing) i am looking forward to a few months […]

  • roving reporter

    a fantastic article in this mornings irish times written by their main foreign correspondent conor o cleary who is retiring from the paper after over 30 years of reporting. i remember reading his articles for the last ten years or so from when he was in moscow, bejing and america. i remember reading the irish […]

  • fix

    i just fixed a css bug that was making this template look strange in internet explorer. i never use ie any more so its probably been like that for months and i never knew. anyhoo, im off to watch fireworks.

  • grr

    itunes finland wont let me register for the site as i have an irish credit card (even though it has a finnish billing address). anyone else have a problem like this? i cant sign up for itunes ireland or itunes finland or any itunes store. boo. (i have emailed apple to ask for help, hopefully […]