Category: planning

  • metro

    here in helsinki we have currently one metro line (that splits off into two ones at the eastern end). the planners want to extend this metro line to the west to the neighbouring city of espoo (where nokia has its headquarters). espoo is a bit reluctant of the price but their final decision will be […]

  • suburbs

    there is an area north of dublin city called ballymun. its just south of the airport, so it was easily visible from large parts of the city. it was built back in it mid 1960s to counteract the tenements that were (and to a lesser extant still are) in a large part of dublins city […]

  • number 9

    being from a country where public transport is undervalued, being here is a nice distraction. i went through a phase for a few months where i would start to imagine the route of the new number 9 tram route. for some reason though only when i myself was i a tram. strange. anyway, i found […]

  • planning panel

    we spent a few hours at the discussion panel this evening. there was about 9 people in the panel with another 100 or so in the audience. the presentation started off with a slide presentation of the propasals for keskipasila and then the two different architectural plans put forward by the two offices. i understood […]

  • keski pasila

    there is three parts to pasila. länsi (west), keski (central) and itä (east). the west part is primarily apartments (i live in one of them) and also some office blocks. east has office blocks and apartments aswell. in the middle then is keski pasila which has train tracks and a train station. in a few […]